Tentative Retreat Schedule

Detailed schedules are not yet available for 2025. Check-in will begin at 5pm on Thursday, May 15 and check-out will be at noon (following morning activities) on Sunday, May 18.

View last year’s workshops or contributors for an idea of what to expect. You can also join our mailing list at the bottom of this page to stay in the loop with any announcements.

  • 5 to 7pm: Check-in + get settled

    7:30pm to 8:30pm: Welcome Dinner + kick-off!

    8:30pm to 10pm: group welcome + entertainment

  • 6am + earlier: quiet hours

    7am to 8am: free time or morning yoga 

    8am to 9am: Breakfast 

    9am to 10am: large group - kick off day activity

    10am to 12pm: guided art activity (smaller group)

    12pm to 1:30pm: lunch

    2pm to 4pm: guided art activity (smaller group)

    4pm to 5:30pm: hike / nature activity

    5:30pm to 6pm: free time / prep

    6pm to 7pm: dinner

    7:30 to 10pm: campfire + music

    10pm onwards: quiet hours

  • 6am + earlier: quiet hours

    7am to 8am: free time or morning yoga 

    8am to 9am: Breakfast 

    9am to 10am: large group - kick off day activity

    10am to 12pm: guided art activity (smaller group)

    12pm to 1:30pm: lunch

    2pm to 4pm: guided art activity (smaller group)

    4pm to 5:30pm: hike / nature activity

    5:30pm to 6pm: free time / prep

    6pm to 7pm: dinner

    7:30 to 10pm: campfire + music

    10pm onwards: quiet hours

  • 6am + earlier: quiet hours

    7am to 8am: begin clean-up + free time

    8am to 9:00am: breakfast

    9:00am to 10:30am: guided art activity (smaller group)

    9am to 10am: large group - kick off day activity

    10:30am to 12:00pm: large group activity to close out retreat + camp pictures!

    12:00pm: check-out time + clean-up: retreat center must be clean by 4pm

“Love life. Engage in it. Give it all you’ve got. Love it with a passion because life truly does give back, many times over, what you put into it.”

- Maya Angelou